delta x scad — Gabby Guenther

delta x scad


Ready for Takeoff

Identity / Print Design

I was selected to join a team of 16 SCAD students collaborating with Delta Air Lines to research and develop creative concepts for a branded event that revealed the new Delta uniform collection, designed by Zac Posen, to over 30,000 employees during an in-person fitting experience in 16 select cities throughout the US and around the world.



Our team's objective was to curate a seamless branded journey that would instill anticipation, engagement, and personalization during the fitting event for Delta employees. The aim was to inspire a sense of pride and community as they donned their new uniforms.



Our team's objective was to curate a seamless branded journey that would instill anticipation, engagement, and personalization during the fitting event for Delta employees. The aim was to inspire a sense of pride and community as they donned their new uniforms.

We know change is hard, but change is where the magic happens.
— Tavaya Davis, Cross Divisional Uniform Committee
Copy of Amy_MindMap.png


We developed concepts that would serve as the guiding principles for the final event design. These concepts were centered around embracing change, showcasing innovation, and creating a well-illuminated atmosphere that evoked pride among employees during their transition to the new uniforms. Our goal as the design group was to curate a unique fitting experience that celebrated Delta's investment in its employees, fostering unity across divisions by launching new uniforms for both Above Wing and Below Wing employees.



Drawing inspiration from the process of building a paper plane, we crafted the branding concept. Like constructing a paper plane from a single sheet, the uniforms would symbolize unity and breathe new life into the company and its employees. We wanted Delta employees to feel actively engaged in the transformative process and proudly declare themselves as "Ready for Takeoff."

Brand Color_delta-01.png


The final presentation served as a showcase of our concepts. By transforming the SCAD Student Center into a simulated user journey of the event, our team recreated the full Delta fitting experience. The overarching concept, "Ready for Takeoff," was prevalent throughout the entire journey. The paper airplane motif was seamlessly integrated into each section, immersing the attendees in the brand experience. From the History wall, which showcased the diversity of Delta's past uniforms, to the digital presentation of the event's branding and type treatment, every aspect reflected our vision.



The uniforms were meticulously designed to transform Delta's 24,000 flight attendants into walking advertisements for the airline. The Delta uniform fitting team interacted with approximately 600 employees every day, embarking on a tour that encompassed cities such as Detroit, Minneapolis, New York, Boston, Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Amsterdam, and Tokyo. On May 29, 2018, the new uniforms were officially launched, marking a significant milestone in Delta's journey.


the team

Jane Zash, Stephanie Park, Christiana Mooers, Andrea di Lello, Gabby Guenther, Olivia Bingham, Olimpia Gonzalez, Chetan Singh Kunwar, Liz Lawler, Juliana Munera, Nathan Palmer, Ana Batlle, Gabriela Fiallos, Rachel Watkins, Nicole Kurtz, Samuel Griffiths, Mufan Lu, Amy Chang Le, Rhea Mehta