White Mousee — Gabby Guenther

White Mousee


White Mouse

Identity / Print Design

White Mouse Whiskey is inspired by Nancy Wake, one of the most decorated servicewomen of World War II and the Gestapo's most wanted person, nicknamed 'The White Mouse'.



Tasked with designing a brand of liquor and its associated packaging, I delved into the history of whiskey, specifically exploring why women were not traditionally associated with its consumption. Research revealed that women who drank whiskey were often stigmatized and linked to prostitution and escorts, while bars were predominantly seen as "boys' clubs."



In search of a historical figure who embodied the qualities of a strong-willed, independent woman unafraid to be seen as powerful, I discovered Nancy Wake. A British Special Operations Executive agent during World War II, Wake became the Gestapo's most wanted person, earning the nickname "the white mouse" due to her elusive nature. Wake's resourcefulness, charm, and femininity played a significant role in her success, including her ability to eliminate an SS sentry with her bare hands.



The whiskey brand needed to reflect Nancy's spirit and appeal to women while maintaining a sense of empowerment without undermining their strength. To achieve this, I opted for a short, round bottle design that commanded attention and presence on the shelf. Drawing inspiration from a portrait of Nancy Wake, her character was integrated into the brand, with the addition of ears and a nose as a nod to her nickname. Each face depicted a different facet of her dynamic personality.

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Taking the concept further, I handcrafted an outer packaging resembling a "Mouse-Trap" cage for the three whiskey bottles. However, in keeping with Nancy's elusive nature, she always manages to slip out. The White Mouse Whiskey garnered recognition, winning the GD USA Student Packaging 2018 award and the 2018 Port City Review Award. Through this innovative design, the brand successfully breaks barriers, redefining the perception of whiskey while celebrating the enduring spirit of remarkable women like Nancy Wake.